The Energy Consumption in the Residental Houses

Effective and Economical building methods for saving energy
Thermal insulation doesn’t pay off just in winter – the same properties that keep walls warm in winter keep homes cool in summer. Thermal insulation is amongst the most effective and economical ways of actively practising environmental protection in old and new buildings, putting right past building mistakes when renovating old properties and at the same time reducing lifetime heating costs.

Benefits of Thermal Insulation
substantial reduction in fuel requirements, meaning lower costs,
prevention of mould growth on walls and ceilings,
pleasant wall temperatures even in cold winters (lower electricity bills),
more pleasant indoor atmosphere in hot summers.

Components of Baumit Insulation System

Components of Baumit Insulation System

1- Polystyrene EPS-F70
2- Baumit StarContact
3- Baumit TextilGlassGitter
4- Baumit StarContact
5- Baumit UniPrimer
6- Baumit GranoporTop 1,5K
7- Baumit Plugs PTH
8- Baumit Base Rail

The right way to insulate with Austrotherm Insulation Boards
Austrotherm Insulation Boards


The Book about Energy Consumption in the Residental Houses
Published in Afghanistan:   2014 
The Energy consumption in the Residental Houses (2014)