Adhesive and reinforcement white mortar for bonding of Facade polystyrene plates EPS and XPS as well as the implementation of reinforcing layer with the insertion of Baumit FibreglassMesh. It is also suitable for trowelling plaster and concrete surfaces.
Bag = 25 kg 54 bags/pallet = 1.350 kg
Water demand app.: 6.5 l/bag
Consumption: app. 3.5 kg/m2 (bonding) app. 4.0 kg/m2 (filling)
Product: Factory prepared mineral based, dry powder contact mortar. Suitable for manual and machine application. A system component for the Baumit External Wall Insulation Systems EPS and XPS. Tested according to ETAG 004.
Properties: High bonding strength, water resistant and good workability.
Application: Multi-purpose contact mortar: As an adhesive for bonding Baumit facade and perimeter insulation boards. As a thin layer basecoat mortar (with reinforcing mesh) onto Baumit insulation boards and selected render carrier boards. Also suitable for preparing surfacesof coarse render basecoats to receive fine grained (<2mm) Baumit decorative topcoats and as a thin bonding coat (keyed) over concrete surfaces to receive further coatings.
Advantages: High quality glue, which forms the heart of the system and can handle more demanding applications. Particularly simple application system, safety, long life.